Banner stands are some of the best marketing materials you could put up at your store. Not only are they easy to assemble, but they are also very mobile and affordable while delivering great visual impact. However, for them to be truly effective, you need to apply the right banner stand design concepts. Read on below for tips in creating effective banner layouts.
1. Decide which information you’ll highlight
Banner stands are great in getting attention but the space they offer is pretty limited with their vertical format. As such, it is important to decide which information should be placed on your layout. Having a grand sale? Put the savings your customers can enjoy as well as the duration of your promo. Launching a new product? Your item should be front and center with its best features highlighted in the banner stand design.
2. Put your logo at the top
Regardless of the height of your banner stand, the eyes of your audience will always go at the top. As such, you must put your logo there as well as other important information like your company slogan or the core message of your campaign. Depending on what other elements you are planning to put in your layout, your logo or company name should be easily readable and take ¼ of your display space.
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3. Use compelling images
Using eye-catching and action-inducing images is important if you want to create an effective banner stand design. They are the element in your layout that attracts the most eyeballs before your audience moves on to the other features of your design like the text so it’s incredibly important to choose the right graphics to highlight. The concept behind your images should also be considered. Are you featuring a new service? Choose an action image to give your customers a better idea of how it works so that they get the gist of it even if they don’t read the other details in your banner stand design. Also, make sure that you only use high-quality and high-resolution images for printing. They should be not less than 300 dpi and saved as CMYK so that they can be rendered well.
4. Choose the right colors
This is especially important for settings like exhibitions where you’re expecting hundreds of other display banner stand designs trying to grab the attention of your audience. Of course, the hues you should add should be in line with your corporate colors, but arrange them in a way that they stand out in relation to your text and images. Bright colors like red are great in getting attention while combinations like yellow and white are a no-no because they are stressful to the eyes and hard to decipher (if you use them to write out details).
5. Consider the orientation
People’s normal eye orientation when looking at visual materials is to look from top to bottom, left to right. Considering this, make sure to put the most important details of your design according to this order. For example, your company logo should go first, followed by your services, an image supporting that, and finally your contact details.
Banner stands are truly effective marketing materials, but only when you utilize them well. Make sure to follow these tips to get the most out of your setup. Need a provider of good display stands? Check out our Aluminum Retractable Roll Up Banner Display Stand and Large Roll Up Banner Stand here at BrandMaximizers. We also have other display solutions for your other marketing needs. Want to know more about what we can offer? Don’t hesitate to reach us here.