Brandmaximizers, Inc.

Print Display is Your Business’s Best Choice for Advertising in 2022

Print display advertising is bound to make a comeback in 2022.

In a short span of time, we have managed to shuffle through a myriad of abrupt changes that prompted us to go digital. As the technological breakthroughs pile up, even experts have guessed that our future will be lived mostly online. 

Still, the screen was quick to oversaturate the initially enthused masses. After all, we humans will always have an intrinsic desire for balance. Despite our thirst for convenience, the exposure to non-stop interconnectedness prompts us to actively find ways to detach. 

While digital ads reign supreme nowadays, print display advertising’s timeless charm will never fade—especially not in 2022. As a matter of fact, it may even be up for a much-anticipated renaissance. Inflexible as it may seem, print ads surely know how to adapt in order to remain pertinent. As the saying goes: if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them.

Why Advertising Should Be Out-of-Home

Locked indoors no more! In 2022, advertising will once again belong in the streets with print displays.

We’ve all seen examples of out-of-home (OOH) advertising one way or another. These are your everyday print display ads towering over streets on buildings and billboards, occasionally on buses and street benches themselves. One of the oldest forms of traditional advertising, we thought we’ve had enough of it for good. However, this practice actually remains to be effective

Here are the top reasons why OOH advertising is here to stay:

1. There’s no skipping OOH ads.

What makes print display advertising appealing? They're hard to miss and impossible to skip—a definite win for brands in 2022.

Unlike your quick-running digital ads, OOH ads are hard to miss and definitely not possible to skip. Brands have long been leveraging these traits in order to better foster connections with their immediate market. Why do you think EDSA has over a hundred billboards around? The best spots to sport an ad would be the areas with the worst of traffic, as commuters can easily tune into these giant billboards—there’s really no billboard not worth reading when you’re on your one-hour mark caught in traffic. Since there’s no skip button in real life that would make you lose track of an ad in a blink of an eye, brand recall is stronger with OOH.

2. You can also reach more people through OOH, wherever they are. 

With print display advertising, you get to introduce your brand to whoever, whenever.

On a similar note, having an ad in the streets is a lot more efficient when your goal is to reach as many people as you can. While updated marketing strategies would suggest you narrow down your target audience as much as possible, this is primarily for the use of digital advertising. The charm of print display advertising, on the other hand, is that it is visible to anyone outdoors. You don’t need to be interested in sports in order to pay attention to that towering sports brand display ad. OOH ads offer a 360-degree experience where potential consumers typically drive or walk. 

The catch, however, is to make sure the ads are creative enough to compete with the several other print ads around. On top of this, a hefty budget is necessary in order to get your message across the areas you want to advertise in, from SLEX to NLEX.

3. It serves as the middle ground for ‘physical’ and digital advertising.

What's better than print display advertising? In 2022, catch more hybrid forms with the rise of digital out-of-home advertising.

Remember the widely viral marketing campaign by GIGIL for Netflix’s Filipino animated series Trese? While the bulk of the buzz was made on social media, the “vandalized” billboards and posters they used for their “supernatural sighting” videos certainly were the most important elements. A smart way to rouse new interest for the print medium, this particular campaign also proved the amplified effectiveness of ads when print and digital media are used to complement each other. 

Projected to happen between 2022 and 2023, OOH advertising is even set for a facelift as digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. This will be the much-needed merging of digital and print ads. Think moving print and video ads that can be physically situated anywhere, as long as it is outside your screen. This is essentially just an update to your regular OOH, with the same scale, reach, and creativity that has made OOH an enduring medium.

Want to invest in Out-of-Home Advertising in 2022?

If you are an entrepreneur, consider this a sign to invest in your business and prepare for this renaissance of print display advertising in 2022. Whether you are running an up-and-coming small business or a well-known enterprise, it’s always a smart choice to build with the basics. 

We at Brand Maximizers Inc. have a wide range of customizable displays and services that can cover your marketing needs. Contact us to get started.