Time and again, we hear that print is dead. The popularity of this notion is unsurprising, given how digitally-dependent we have grown to be nowadays, with everything from work, entertainment, shopping, and even our intimate relationships now situated online. However, this is not truly the case, especially in its role in advertising.
According to a study made in 2016, a whopping 82 percent of internet users in the United States alone still trust newspapers and magazine ads more than ads running in social media platforms such as Facebook (whose trust rate was at 43 percent). In the same study, online banner ads and mobile phone ads tied at 39 percent trust rate, while podcast ads were at 37 percent, and digital pop-ups were only at 25 percent.
Even with the boom of digital media, it seems that print advertising still garners the highest rate of customer trust. This may be hard to believe, given how there are over 2.7 billion active internet users in Asia alone, but we may actually change your mind. In this article, we will discuss the primary reasons why print remains as the most trusted form of advertising, even in the digital age.
Print is Known to Be More Rigorous and Precise

Before the internet, research was terribly rigorous. Researchers had to spend months on end, sometimes even years, just to complete an assignment. Countless books had to be read, annotated, and reanalyzed, and source persons’ credibility were tested extensively to make sure the facts line up.
While the internet made research all the more convenient, the saturated amount of content online has also made it hard to tell fact from fiction. The prevalence of misinformation and disinformation permeates not only the news industry, but also advertising. Potential customers have fallen victims to some widely used tactics of dishonest advertising, especially online. People still carry the idea that print media production requires much more rigor, hence garnering higher trust rates among customers even today.
Print Generates Higher ROI

Numerous studies have shown that print ads generate more return on investment (ROI) compared to online ads and other forms of marketing. This may be unlikely, but the results don’t lie.
Market research specialists RfK asserts that “traditional media continue to account for the lion’s share of total advertising revenue.” This claim is supported by a 2012 Adobe survey, where 45 percent of the participants shared they still consider traditional forms of media—including print magazines, newspapers and TV—as the ‘best’ source for advertising.
As to why this is, a recent report from FiPP INSIGHT noted that there are benefits to print display advertising that are largely associated with a consumer’s emotions. Specifically, consumers tend to purchase magazines they’re already familiar with or like. Since ads found in these magazines are already tailored to their niche readership, it is more likely that the ads will reach their target market.
At the same time, the report states that magazines tend to generate “feelings of belonging to a community, relaxation and inspiration.” All of these are positive emotions that can ultimately contribute to the effectiveness of the ads. Integral Media also notes that magazines have a longer shelf life compared to other forms of media, which in turn translates into a higher ROI for the print ads they contain. Finally, print display advertising are considered to be “less disruptive” compared to digital ads.
Print Does Not Violate Data Privacy

In the past few years, Facebook has been subjected to several controversial exposés. This concerns the selling of user data to the highest bidders, feeding users a combination of ads. While digital ads have come to be a norm in marketing, such a practice becomes dangerous. Ads, especially those that are politically motivated, can greatly influence our future decisions, such as who we vote for and what we choose to spend on.
Depending on the nature of the online ad, it may or may not directly affect our lives and well-being. Nevertheless, online ads have proven to have some sort of hidden agenda, making customer trust unstable.
Make Customers Trust Your Brand Through Print Advertising

Regardless of what you’ve heard, print is most definitely not dead. It remains as the form of advertising customers trust and rely on. As a matter of fact, it is even bound for a long-overdue renaissance in 2022. If you’re an entrepreneur, investing in display ads can be your best decision to prepare your business for the new year.

At Brandmaximizers Inc., we can provide you with top-notch print display advertising services that will guarantee your business’s success in earning the trust of your market. Contact us today.