Brandmaximizers, Inc.

8 Important Elements To Consider For An Effective Visual Merchandising Display

Visual merchandising displays are a form of art. Though it used to only refer to display products, this branch of marketing retail has transformed through time to be more meticulous and sophisticated, usually involving extensive floor plans and blueprints. Despite its evolution, however, the main aspects of visual merchandising displays remain the same. For a product’s display to be effective, everything should boil down to the proper application of the following elements.

1. Branding

An effective product display should easily be connected by your consumers with your brand. So while branding is not really much about actual execution, it is equally—if not the most important—foundation of an effective visual merchandising campaign. Your brand personality, story, and tone will set the initial elements of your merchandising strategy—without it, it is easy for your business to feel scattered and untargeted with its visual display strategies. 

2. Colors

The color you use sets the mood of your visual merchandising displays. Besides applying the approved brand colors of your company, the way you use tones can also affect the emotions or feelings that you are creating within your store. For example, bright, deep, and contrasting hues send a message of energy and excitement, while calmer tones create a more relaxed and luxurious vibe. When choosing the colors for display products, consider the message that you are trying to send. Are you inviting them to your storewide sale? Then create urgency with big banners in bright colors like red. Do you want to announce a conference event in the lobby of your main building? Corporate, neutral colors of black and white might be enough to send the message across. 

3. Text

An element that sometimes even the most experienced graphic designers mess up, the typeface that you use on display products can definitely make or break your visual merchandising strategy. Though your choice of font will also depend on your branding guide, you also have to consider the sizing and spacing of your text once you lay it out in a display banner. Generally, you want your text to be readable even at a distance so that those who are outside can be enticed to walk in on your store. The variation of font sizing in a single display material also matters. If you have a longer copy to layout, make sure to put the most important detail of what you’re announcing in bigger font, and the rest in smaller typefaces. 

4. Copy

While text involves the choice of typeface and layout of your display banner, copy is all about what you are trying to say. Effective copy should be concise and straight to the point so that your audience can easily get what you are trying to communicate without having to spend too much time standing in front of your display. The shorter the copy, the better, though if you have a longer message you want to send, it should at least include a headline, the benefits or meat of your promo or campaign, and a call to action. When you have a killer copy, it’s easier for good design to come after. 

5. Layout

The way you set the layout of your display product greatly influences its effectiveness. As a general rule of visual merchandising, you should try to put on display as many products as you can to maximize their exposure. Department stores, for example, can create a small island display of a new collection of products at the entrance of their stores where customers can easily browse items. Consider also the usual foot traffic in your store so you can know where best to put your display. 

6. Location

Another element that is closely related to layout, knowing the right location of where to place your visual merchandising display is important. It should be in places where people usually go first when they explore your store which is usually at the entrance or the middle. However, don’t be afraid to be creative and maximize the spaces that you have. One of the most underutilized areas in any location, for example, is the space between your product shelves and the ceiling. Though unconventional, these negative spaces are actually very useful spots since the eyes are easily drawn to them, especially when the customer is still outside your store. For this, you can hang simple banners announcing a campaign or a promo to get their attention. 

7. Lighting

Any type of product display will not be effective if it isn’t supported by proper lighting. Make sure that you position your set up in well-lit areas for better visibility. You can also use light boxes—display types with installed lights on them—for anything that needs extra attention.

8. Display type

Give your visual merchandise maximum impact by matching them with the right display type to use. Are you managing a restaurant and want to announce a new item on your menu? Table top roll up banners is a perfect choice since it puts your product right in front of your diners. Setting up a display at a trade fair? Bigger, yet mobile banner stands might be more applicable for your display. 

Effective visual merchandising displays should properly consider the elements mentioned above. Brandmaximizers has a wide range of display products that you can choose from if you’re looking for the right materials that can perfectly showcase your merchandise.

Want to get recommendations from us? Just contact us here and we’d be more than willing to help.