COVID-19 pandemic has affected people everywhere in the world. But as the world has grown used to the ‘new normal’ of living, the time has come for businesses to open their doors again. Running your business during the coronavirus pandemic is essential not just for you and your employees, but for your customers and clients as well.
Now that we’re six months into the pandemic, the world has come up with solutions that make reopening small and large businesses during COVID-19 a safe and reliable reality for you, your staff, as well as any visitor that walks into your establishment. Guidance from international and local healthcare experts, combined with the right internal hygienic infrastructure will help you to keep your business safe during the coronavirus pandemic.
Reopen your business only after you've developed your contingency plans.
A plan is essential
The coronavirus pandemic has made it necessary for businesses to invest in health and safety equipment. Masks, hand sanitizers, social distancing markers, disinfection tents—these will be new additions to your monthly budget if you want to reopen. Detail how much you need to spend to ensure that your employees have all the equipment they need to maintain a safe and clean work environment. You’ll also have to invest in cleaning gear and equipment. Creating a contingency fund that helps you pay your employees should the pandemic directly affect your business will also help your business sustain in the long run.
Look into your finances
Before you open the doors to your business, you need to make clear and detailed guidelines on all the steps you will take to prioritize the health and safety of your staff and visitors. Your plan should include information on how you intend to protect your employees, cleaning and sanitization routines, what you should do if an employee falls sick, and how your employees and staff can contact you if there’s an emergency.
Be ready to adapt
We’re living in uncertain times, and it’s difficult to tell when the light at the end of the tunnel will arrive. This means that you need to be able to change your business plans if an emergency situation arises.
Keeping your customers and staff safe is your number one priority!
Develop health and safety regulations
Communicate with your employees on how you intend to keep your business safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your employees should fully understand and adhere to the rules you’ve set out. They should also be willing to inform and encourage any customers who do not follow safety regulations to comply with the rules so that everyone can be safe.
Limit the number of visitors allowed inside
The pandemic has affected small and large businesses differently, but if you run a business where you have to directly interact with customers, the social distancing should be strictly enforced. Place social distancing markers on the floors so people know where to stand, and don’t allow crowds or groups to form near your business. Place a soap dispensing station at the entrance to your business establishment, and provide any staff at the reception or checkout with hand sanitizers.
Screening and testing for staff and visitors
The health of your employees will determine how well your business copes during the pandemic, so it’s absolutely essential that you take care of them. You can do this by regularly screening your employees at the beginning of every workday, and limiting travel wherever possible. Unless an employee has to be present in order for your business to operate, ask them to work from home.
If your employee is sick or has to care for someone who may be affected by COVID-19, ask them to not come in until they are better. Similarly, you should also make it routine to ask your customers to inform you in case they’ve been experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19. In case you do come across someone who is infected, isolate them immediately, and inform the relevant healthcare authorities.
Cleaning and disinfecting
Your business establishment will have to be thoroughly cleaned every day. These include spaces such as the reception, bathroom, lobbies, checkout corners, and more. You’ll need to use strong disinfectants to keep these areas safe at all times. Surfaces such as doorknobs, handrails, seating areas, and other commonly touched surfaces have to be sanitized as well.
Reorganizing the interiors
With social distancing being one of the most important ways to facilitate the reopening of businesses, the interior of your establishment will have to be revamped. You’ll have to remove and rearrange furniture to make room for space between your customers. Using acrylic sheets will make it safer for your customers and staff, especially if you have a checkout counter at your business. Social distancing markers are another way to ensure that people maintain social distancing guidelines. You can even place a SaniStation at the entrance of your business. This will help you to check and ensure that any customers entering your business are COVID-free and have been disinfected.
Check-ins and communication
The best way to keep your business safe and secure during the coronavirus pandemic is by communicating regularly with your employees and visitors. You should consistently keep updating yourself on how the pandemic is developing in your area, and then provide this information to your staff. Check-in with them daily, and inform your clients, visitors, and stakeholders on how your business is doing through regular updates on social media. A tweet, or a Facebook post that says ‘Your safety is our priority, visit us today for all your essential needs’, will help people feel more secure about visiting your business establishment.