Brandmaximizers, Inc.

Why Print Advertisements Work Better Than Going Fully Digital

Learn why digital advertising won’t be enough for your business, and how print display advertising can help deliver the results you expect.

The digital era has redefined so many aspects of life, from how we do business to how we manage our individual lifestyles. In marketing, digital ads quickly rose through the ranks, swiftly gaining popularity from businesses of all scales and various industries.

Unfortunately, digital advertising continues to have gaps in terms of its effectiveness and practicality—something that print advertisement is able to address. In this article, we go through the factors that clue you in on why digital advertising won’t be enough for your business, and how print display advertising can help deliver the results you expect.  

Digital ads can get overwhelming for small businesses

Unlike print advertisement, digital ads constitute too many elements that may end up being too complicated for small business owners to manage.

If you want to use digital ads for your business, it’s probably a better idea to enlist the help of experts to manage them for you. There are a lot of options for how you’ll execute digital ads, and the actual practice can get rather complicated. In order to narrow down your options, you need to earn valuable knowledge on digital marketing and how each strand works, based on their probable performance for a given type of business. Even agencies themselves run several tests to get up-to-date, accurate readings of which type of ad yields the best response from their target markets.

Not only that, but the return on investment from digital ads isn’t as promising as what you can get from print. Digital ads may get the largest share in ad budget spending of most businesses nowadays, but print advertisements generate higher ROIs for brands—they can get as high as 1,255 percent. Some companies even observed a sales increase of between 3 and 36 percent after placing magazine ads. According to forecasts, print advertising is expected to reach 2.2 billion people globally this year, with marketers across the world spending USD 44.2 billion.

Customers can get ad fatigue

Ad fatigue is an easy way to lose a potential customer. Cut through the stress of non-stop online pop-ups with good ol' print advertisements.

This is an easy way to lose a potential customer. Ad fatigue is when viewers see a digital ad far too many times that they completely lose interest in the service or product being advertised. Since digital ads are essentially automated, one specific run can appear in one viewer’s searches and visited sites multiple times in a day—and this won’t be the only ad they see then.

Ads in general can tend to oversaturate the market, and print advertising is no exception to that. However, you’d have a better chance at having potential buyers pay closer attention to your messaging. Print ads do not rely on intrusive tactics. Published ads in print publications command attention without having to be out of place in terms of the layout. Point-of-purchase ads and other display ads usually blend in with other elements in their physical areas, especially when the execution actually intends to make advertising look more organic and interactive.

Internet issues can affect digital ads

Technical viewing problems abound in digital advertising, something you won't need to worry about with print advertisements.

Technical viewing problems abound in digital advertising. Websites can be down or viewers can experience lags or not have the appropriate app in order for an ad to work. This can lead to a reduced number of views and interactions for the digital ad. Worse, this may even translate to lost potential sales.

Of course, the perk of print ads here is quite obvious. You won’t lose a print ad even if your device fails to connect to the internet. With a physical copy of an ad, be it a poster, handout, or a banner, you don’t need to rely on a good internet connection in order to connect to your target market.

Go for print in 2022

If you want a foolproof marketing strategy that addresses these gaps in using digital ads, consider investing in print advertisements—especially print display ads you can host within your very shop. But if you’re intrigued in pushing for a display advertising plan suitable for 2022 is going, then we suggest that you explore the potentials of combining print and digital. 

Need help with your print display advertising? Look no further. Brandmaximizers offers high quality service, from banner stands to posters. Let’s work together to build the tools that will grow your business and last you a long time. Contact us to get started.